
Human Resources Department

Description of Duties

The Human Resources Department has a dual responsibility of providing services in the areas of Human Resource and Civil Service Administration.

Human Resource responsibilities involve providing a wide range of services to over 500 City of Niagara Falls employees throughout their employment, including recruitment, orientation, retention, compensation, and benefit administration. The department is responsible for the maintenance of employee files, position control, mandatory labor department and equal employment reporting, preparation and administration of a city-wide pay plan, assisting in the interpretation of policies, procedures, and labor contracts, coordinating mandatory D.O.T drug and alcohol testing, in addition to other related duties and functions. All activities of the Human Resources Department are conducted in compliance with guidelines and laws governing civil service, wage and hour regulations, equal employment, and within other federal, state and local governments.

The goal of this department is to insure compliance with all mandated requirements, maintaining good employee relations through fair and equitable treatment of all employees, and encouraging an environment in which employees can maximize their potential, resulting in a higher level of service to the public.

The Civil Service function, as mandated by law, requires that the City provide civil service administration for all agencies under its jurisdiction, including the City, Niagara Falls Water Board, the Niagara Falls School District, the Niagara Falls Housing Authority, and the Niagara Falls Public Library, totaling over 1,300 positions. A three member commission is responsible for administrating the provisions of the civil service law. This involves prescribing, amending and enforcing local civil service rules, classifying positions and allocating positions to the appropriate jurisdictional class, ascertaining the merit and fitness of applicants for competitive class positions, administering and monitoring the civil service examination process and insuring examination security, certifying eligible lists for appointment, maintaining a detailed employment history for each employee under their jurisdiction, certification of payrolls and reporting to the New York State Civil Service Commission.

The staff of the Human Resource office provides administrative support and carries out all actions of the Civil Service Commission. Although each staff member has a designated area of responsibility, all staff share responsibilities in both human resource and civil service administration.

Human Resource Staff

Name & Email Title Telephone
Karen Abramaitys Director of HR 716-286-4327
Courtney Lamar Associate Director of Human Resources 716-286-4313
Charnay C Taylor Employment Specialist 716-286-4432

For Active Employees with Blue Cross Blue Shield Medical Insurance : Summary of Benefits & Coverage(SBC)

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